St. Stephen Lutheran Church
3145 Park Ave
South Plainfield, NJ 07080

Sunday Worship Services with Holy Communion – 10:30 am

Current Bulletins and Readings:


Click here to support St. Stephen

Click here for the 2023 Stewardship Letter

“Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.”—Esther 4:14

Dear siblings of the faith,

One of the acts of worship we commonly practice is the giving of our offerings—well, we can’t exactly pass the plate around right now, but we can doing so virtually. Click here for more information.  Additionally, there is always the option of mailing your offering envelopes to the church.

Click here  for all Zoom meetings. 

To call in to a meeting, dial: 646-876-9923
When prompted, enter the following information:
Meeting ID: 548 735 8840
Passcode: 3145

Map:Map St. Stephen facebook_logo_detail Click here to join our page

We are hiring!

We are in need of an Organist/Choir Director at this time.  This is a part time position.  We have one service a week all year and a senior choir that meets September to June.  Candidate would also play Holy Week and Christmas services.  We also anticipate some weddings and funerals.  Please send resume to Eloise Newton at


Sundays at 10:30am

All are invited to the Lord’s Table. For Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believe in me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35).


pop up pantray

Congratulations Conformation Class of 2022


Our Pastor


My name is Pastor Frantisek Janak and I would like to welcome you to our website. I have begun my ministry in early 2022 and I hope you can join us this year in exploring what God has in store for us as the local representation of the body of Christ.

A little bit about me:

I was born in the Czech Republic, a central European country, where I have also lived a good chunk of my life.
I  began my undergraduate studies at Charles University in Prague studying social sciences, theology, and English, but after becoming a Christian, I switched to a degree in Mission Work with Children and Young People at Center for Christian Education ( and Zilina University in Slovakia. While there, I learned a lot about meeting people on their level and came to appreciate a missional worldview, where everybody is deserving to know and experience God’s love and care.
I got to live and serve the Lord in various places  – in Prague, I served as a missional English teacher, a youth and young adult leader, and as a worker in a homeless care and outreach ministry;  in Switzerland, I was an intern at International Protestant Church in Zurich ( ) and I served with people of different ages, walks of life, and countries; in Slovakia, I got to serve with Slovak and international medical students and helped found and lead a university dorm outreach club; and in the U. S, I got to engage with homeless ministries, an ESL program for recent immigrants, and other causes.
I have earned my graduate Master of Divinity degree in 2021 at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, where I engaged with theology in the context of the Public Church curriculum:
Some of my hobbies include reading Sci-Fi and fantasy, as well as nonfiction books, playing video games of different genres, photography ( ), technology of all kinds, and exploring New Jersey and New York City with my wife Christine.

In these socially distant times, it is much harder to keep in touch. For this reason, I have  set up a meeting scheduling website for easy one-on-one scheduling:

The default meeting method is currently set to Zoom due to the current COVID-19  situation and my variable office hours depending on my weekly duties, but feel free to specify a preferred type of meeting/communication when prompted on the website and I will get back to you. Alternatively, you can also email me at