September’s Servant-Leaders 2009

September 6

9:30 a.m.

September 13

10:30 a.m.

September 20

10:30 a.m.

September 27

10:30 a.m.

Deacon Mary Flannary Randy Gerling Bill Cochrane Frank Gianneschi


Cathy Newman Linda Hansen Marilyn Scalisi Linda Goetz
Lector Cathy Newman Linda Hansen John McCarthy Linda Goetz
Acolyte Kristen Hansen Brian McCarthy Makayla Merring

Tom Bowden Adam Buck Meghan Collins

Richard & Eloise Newton Frank & Sharon Gianneschi Bill Merring

Lou Hasbrouck

Jared DeGraw
Altar Guild

Sharon Gianneschi

Marlene Young

Bonnie Lombardo Cathy Newman

Carol McCarthy

Michelle Morin

Mary Flannary


PLEASE NOTE:  On Sunday, September 13, 2009 the service time returns to 10:30 a.m.
Thank you.  Your servant-leadership sets the table for worship and helps invite us into the living presence of God.

If you are unable to serve as scheduled, please find someone to cover you.  Drop us a line in the office (908/757-4474 or no later than Wednesday morning, so that the correct information may be printed in the Sunday bulletin.  Thanks again.